The Avon Maitland School Board invited comments on its June 2006 capital plan. The plan indicates the need for the following expenditures over the next 10 years:
Central PS - $2.48 million on the building, $122,858 at the site
Arthur Meighen PS - $2.14 million building, $264,703 site.
The Board assumes enrollment will decline by 4% at Central and 13% at Arthur Meighen.
September 5 Central's School Council made various suggestions on how to improve its school.
June 14 Arthur Meighen's School Council recommended its school be closed; Grades 7 and 8 moved to the High School; land next to the High School be annexed where a new K-6 school be built.
In the official plan, the current location of Arthur Meighen is adjacent to where hundreds of new houses will be constructed.