St Marys Ontario - Photos and happenings in this Southwestern Ontario Canada town

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Public School Plans

Central PS St Marys OntarioThe Avon Maitland School Board invited comments on its June 2006 capital plan. The plan indicates the need for the following expenditures over the next 10 years:

Central PS - $2.48 million on the building, $122,858 at the site
Arthur Meighen PS - $2.14 million building, $264,703 site.

The Board assumes enrollment will decline by 4% at Central and 13% at Arthur Meighen.

September 5 Central's School Council made various suggestions on how to improve its school.

June 14 Arthur Meighen's School Council recommended its school be closed; Grades 7 and 8 moved to the High School; land next to the High School be annexed where a new K-6 school be built.

In the official plan, the current location of Arthur Meighen is adjacent to where hundreds of new houses will be constructed.


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